What is ADHD on Children

Common Pesticide May Increase Risk of AD

ADHD on Children Overview

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)- one of the most common mental disorders that develop in children. ADHD is also a  psychiatric disorder of the neuro-developmental type in which there are significant problems of hyperactivity, attention or acting impulsively that are not appropriate for a person’s age. These symptoms mostly begin by age six to twelve and persist for more than six months for a diagnose is to be made.In school-aged individuals in-attention symptoms often result in poor school performance.

Three types of ADHD

According to the CDC, there are three types of ADHD. They were defined according to which symptoms stand out the most.

Predominantly Inattentive Type

The person finds it very difficult to organize or finish a task. They can hardly find attention to a details and find it difficult to follow instructions or conversations.

Predominantly-Hyperactive-Impulsive -Type

The person finds it hard to keep still  they fidget and talk very often. A smaller child may be continually climbing, running or jumping. They were restless and impulsive disturbing others, grabbing things and taking at inproper times. They have much difficulty waiting their turn and find it hard to listen to a directions. Person with this kind of ADHD will have more injuries and/or accidents than others.

Combined Type

A person whose symptoms include all those of 1 and 2, and whose symptoms are predominant. In other words, all the symptoms in 1 and 2 stand out equally.

Five signs of ADHD on children

  • A child is constantly chattering
  • A child is continuously disturbing people
  • A child can’t concentrate on specific tasks
  • A child is inattentive
  • A child finds it hard to wait his/her turn in play, conversations or standing in line (queue)

What causes ADHD?

We are not sure. Studies reveal that a person’s risk of developing ADHD is higher if a close relative also has/had it. A Twin in studies have indicated that ADHD is highly heritable. It also know that ADHD is more common in boys than girls. The community in generally agrees that ADHD is biological in nature. So many reputable scientists believe that ADHD is the result of chemical imbalances in the brain.

Some studies have indicated that food additives, or some colorings, may have an impact on ADHD behaviors. On 2008 July, the (EU) European Union ruled that synthetic food colorings (called azo dyes) must be labeled not only with the relevant E number, but also with the words “may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children”.

A 1984 study by Benton and team, shows that sugar has no effect on behavior. A study way-back in 1986 by Pelham and Milich and another by Wolraich and team in 1985, also found no link between sucrose (sugar) and behavior impact on children with ADHD. Most sugars can be found in sugary foods and sweets (candy) consumed by children are corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup – these sugars were not used in any of the above-mentioned studies.