Athlete’s Foot Home Remedies

Athletes foot home remedy – How to get rid of athletes foot fast

Athlete’s Foot – Home Treatment

You can usually treat athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) yourself at home by using nonprescription medicines and taking care of your feet. But if you have diabetes and develop athlete’s foot, or have persistent, severe, or recurrent infections, see your doctor.

Foot care

Good foot care helps treat and prevent athlete’s foot.

  • Keep your feet clean and dry.
  • Dry between your toes after swimming or bathing.
  • Wear shoes or sandals that allow your feet to breathe.
  • When indoors, wear socks without shoes.
  • Wear socks to absorb sweat. Change your socks twice a day.
  • Use talcum or antifungal powder on your feet.
  • Allow your shoes to air for at least 24 hours before you wear them again.

 Herbal remedies for athlete’s foot

  • The oil of the Australian tea-tree is a potent antiseptic. For a soothing, healing treatment, mix equal parts tea-tree oil with olive oil and rub the combined oils into the affected area twice a day. Olive oil helps to tenderise skin toughened by athlete’s foot so that tea-tree oil is better absorbed.
  • Alternatively, mix tea-tree oil with aloe gel, another skin softener. Mix 3 parts tea-tree oil to 1 part aloe gel and rub the resulting ointment into the infected area twice a day. Allow 6 to 8 weeks for this treatment to work.
  • Heavenly scented lavender also has antifungal properties. Make a massage oil by adding 3 drops of lavender oil to 1 teaspoon of a suitable carrier oil (any vegetable oil will do), and rub into the infected area every day.
  • Calendula has been valued for centuries as a topical treatment for wounds and skin conditions, for it’s antifungal and anti-inflammatory powers. Rub calendula ointment, available from pharmacies and health food shops, on the affected areas, especially between your toes.

Severe athlete’s foot

Give home treatments at least 3 weeks to work. If your symptoms are severe, however, see your doctor. Left untreated, a fungal infection can cause the skin to crack, which allows infection-causing bacteria to gain entry. You should also see your doctor as soon as possible if you see signs of a more serious infection, such as skin that is angry, red and tender to the touch or oozing. Other warning signals are swelling of the foot or leg accompanied by a fever, or red streaks radiating from the infected area.

How can I treat athlete’s foot in pregnancy?

Treatment options during pregnancy may include dilute vinegar soaks or sprays (roughly one part white household vinegar to four parts water) and Lotrimin cream twice a day for two to three weeks to the soles. Antifungal pills are generally not recommended during pregnancy because of the potential side effects and possible fetal harm. Always check with your OB/GYN before using any medication or treatment during pregnancy.