Genital Pimple: Quick Brief Overview

Genital Pimple

Get insight on pimples or bumps on vaginal area, including the most frequent causes such as STDs, ingrown hair, abscess, cysts, acne, skin tags, eczema, cancer, angioma, molluscum contagiosum, folliculitis, among others and their treatments.

A number of reasons may lie behind the lump on your vaginal area. Some lumps regress by themselves while others require more complex treatment modalities. Here’s a brief overview:

1. Cysts

Cysts are one of the most common forms of vaginal pimples. They develop as bumps on the vulva or vaginal region due to blocked skin glands. If they are large enough to cause intense discomfort, the cysts can be incised and drained out by a doctor. Never try to squeeze the cyst by yourself as this may result in bacterial infection in the area. Two common types of vaginal cysts are:

  • Skene’s duct cysts occur around the urethral opening (where you urinate) and you can remove them by warm compression or in complex cases seek the assistance of a doctor.
  • Bartholin cysts may occur on either side of the labia majora on the vulva. These cysts can grow up to the size of a walnut and produce painful symptoms and their treatment is the same as mentioned above.

2. Blocked Hair Follicles

Also referred to as folliculitis, this is common in the genital region of both men and women and can occur inside the vulva of a female. They are usually infection and require administration of antibiotics or incision and draining if they do not resolve by themselves.

Genital Pimple

3. Clogged Sweet Glands

Clogged sweat glands may also produce a pimple on vaginal lip. Hidradenitis suppurativa is a painful condition arising out of clogged sweat glands and leaves behind hard scars. The condition may be treated with the help of antibiotics and steroids.

4. Genital Herpes

This is a viral STD which usually develops as a sore spot and matures to a blister or group of blisters leading to an open ulcer. The condition is accompanied with itchy, burning and painful symptoms and may be treated with antiviral medications.

5. Genital Warts

Infection by the human papilloma virus subtypes 6 and 11 may cause genital warts. This results in cauliflower-like, rough infectious bumps in the genital areas. Specialized medications may help in treating the disease.

6. Molluscum Contagious

This is a painless infection which produces fleshy, pearl coloured bumps in the vaginal area which usually regresses on their own.

7. Skin Tags

These are outgrowths of the skin which can occur anywhere on the body including the vaginal area. Areas of your body subjected to rubbing against another part of your body or bound by tight clothing is like to develop these tags. Wearing tight jeans for long term can render your soft vaginal skin susceptible.

It is important to get these skin tags assessed for cancerous or infectious growth. Skin tags may be removed by laser surgery or freezing in liquid nitrogen with the help of a doctor. Home remedies involve the application of apple cider vinegar regularly twice a day till the tag falls off.

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